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Wednesday 30 May 2007


You know what! A really really NICE soul is here to dust the cobwebs away from this blog!
no, it's not yusin this time. haha. yusin, shhh! xD

Let's backtrack a little to the much-awaited Cedar's 50th Anniversary, shall we? And and and, if you all do not like reading long entries, sorry! :/

I must say that all of us PCs were really hyped up about it! Rehearsals themselves were much fun. From catwalking like models(sec 2 pcs!) to trying out the old uniforms, we've had much laughter in the process. (: yayy.

And on that significant day in Cedar's history,
19th May 2007, everybody was just so busybusy! Teachers, parents, PCs, Cedarians, school attendants, caterers, DJs, (okay, the list is really long) were all involved in the preparations to make sure everything was PRIM and PROPER. Personally, i've never seen such a large number of people working together on any other school event than this! Alright, DUHHHH its 50th Anniversary what.

Oh, somehow i think school looked really pretty that evening/night! (: dont you agree? Anyway, Cedar Gallery was well-showcased, it looked classy! Kudos to the Cedarians/teachers who put it up. It was nice seeing the ex-cedarians meet up with their old friends and try to catch up with each others' lives. It must have been years since some of them even met! Like this group of ladies who couldnt even recognise their friend. "Ohh, its Ah Mok!" Haha. Amusing!

I'm sure everyone who was involved in the Homecoming Tour enjoyed their duty! It was fun taking the ladies around the school and talking to them about Cedar THEN and Cedar NOW. A good exchange of knowledge between the two parties, and of course, it was interesting yeah?

Oh, i remember them being really shocked that we dont have to run 2 rounds around the school every morning after assembly in our school uniforms! Thats what they used to do. See, you all shouldnt complain about our weekly twice Jogging! Heh. Anyway, i think they could most relate to our old school track. Saddening is the state it is in, now. Well, i guess it broght back good old memories for them as they reminisced about their house practices, sports day, Napfa and track trainings. Hmm.

As for the concert, obviously it was the most exciting and much-awaited part of the day! School hall looked really grand huh. I want our Prom like thattttt(oops, am i giving away my identity?) Not forgetting our GOH, Mr Tharman. He arrived with such big bang! Our dear SPORTY-LOOKING Peecees who walked in with the first dish, good job! Despite the little hiccups before that, yeah?

Didnt get to see all the performances, but talking about the highlights, the Cedar Video, Solei's Dance, Novabelle's song item, the Band performance, Bollywood Dance and the Cedar Fashion Show are worth-mentioning. Our Sec 2 PCs can really pass off as models, sheesh! Go get some contract in the media okay? Haha, its a compliment! Our Fashion Show was really awesome! WHY? Cos we PCs were in it! WOOHOO. So WELL DONE everyone who took part in the Fashion Show! No, i mean,
WELL DONE ALL PCs who were involved in the 50th Anniversary! :D

So did you people manage to get a snap with the celebrities? Haha. I loved the last part where the Cedarians from the diffrent decades initiated our ever-rocking school cheers. I really miss that kind of school spirit. HINTHINT. MUST keep up the school spirit okay? It's kind of dying down :/


a NICE soul (: