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Sunday 23 March 2008

(This one's for the Sec3 PCs, haha. Sorry if we cheated anybody's feelings)

Hey ppl (: This is an announcement way in advance so that we can say we booked you guys early!


The day and time's unconfirmed yet, but be sure to leave a day free for this, yea? (: It's most probably the usual lunch with endless story-telling. We need our old "That's what it's all about" connection again, yo (:

Lil' Miss Awesome

Saturday 22 March 2008

yes, this blog is alive! BUT it needs to be kept alive by not only one person but at least some others from other level or something! haha isnt it boring if the same person is the only one blogging? haha it's YOUR blog, peecees! so own it! blog! write about random stuffs about school, yourself, anything will do (:

just keep this thing alive hehe

oh anyone keen on re-designing the pc blog? it's kinda, old haha

Saturday 15 March 2008

so we had our supposed 'board meeting' at pasir ris park yesterday (friday!). wonderful weather [: and i suppose a wonderful time together? despite the low attendance. played cap's ball with a gym ball, mini basketball, mini soft toys, bar soap hahaha. then we were supposed to play another game but we couldnt so we jus ended at there, & had free time! apologies if it wasnt as fun as you expected :/ we'll have a better session together soon yah? we need to b-o-n-d [: & we shall take it one step at a time! thanks to those who came down on friday! to those who didnt, i really hope you guys will be able to turn up for the next meeting the exco'08 organises before we step down! yuppp.
let the pictures speak for themselves. it's late! & im kinda lazy to caption them too hehe. term2's coming up! & the next event: SPEECH DAY


Thursday 6 March 2008


*round of applause*

okay im here to update this blog and declare (erm, sort of haha) that We, PEECEEs of cedar will and must keep this blog alive :D exco'08 will set a good example, right? hehe yuppp we'll try our best to keep this alive! & to the other pcs, do update as much as you can too! ask any of the exco or any other pcs for the username and password.we'll definitely tell you!

so term 1 is ending in a day's time. i do hope it went well for you guys! the march hols are coming up and guys, (okay i think i should stop using the word guys cause technically speaking, we're girls) GALs (this sounds wrong too.eh, nvm), look forward to board meeting which will most probably be on the fri of the hols and it'll be at somewhere-not-in-sch. excited? hopefully the teachers allow cause then, we can play more games and go wild and bond and have fun and eat whatever we want and erm. yah BOND basically & get some updates from us exco.

OH.btw, this is kinda late actually but the vp commended that we did a good job on the first day of school ((: keep up the spirit pcs!

though there's some feedback that we arent very bonded (yet!) WE WILL BE OKAY? we gotta put in the effort to look out for each other and i guess communicate with those whom we dont usually to. break away from the norm! dare to be different! & rmb that we (the EXCO) will always be here for you GALS. dont be fearful of approaching us. we'll be more than happy to help you!

okay it's late! shall update again another time.PROMISE!
