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Friday 25 April 2008

To the oldest kids:


Jia you for all your papers! Don't fall sick while mugging, yeahh :D Sleep early, drink lots of water and please eat proper meals :D

Good day. It's going to be a fair while of recess in an empty canteen.

With potatoes,
Grace Tang :D

Friday 18 April 2008


Hmms, despite being all nervous and anxious about the campaign speeches, all 3 of us found it really enjoyable :D The discussions, the humour, the eloquence, the "oomph" in it all...this seemed to be the most intimidating part, yet is the one I loved the most, hoho.

It's greatest credits to Joy Priya and Nasuha for making the process so enjoyable, :D Thanks for the assurance, pep talk and group hug! They were all reassuring, and I'm grateful for everything that you have done through this whole process. This journey is made memorable because of you two, so cheers!

As for the results? Hurhur, the school deserves the best head prefect, and the students deserve their best role model. The 3 of us learnt a lot from the elections, and that is all that matters :D

With potatoes,
Grace Ang + T :D

Wednesday 16 April 2008

HPC ELECTIONS - updates!

*friends promotional speeches. done! (the past 3 days)
*buzz @ canteen performances. done! (today)
*campaign speeches. THIS FRIDAY
*voting day. NEXT TUESDAY
*results? DONT TELL YOU.let it be a surprise!

well done, nominees for today's performances!
to nasuha, nice fancy drills with your platoon mates! "vote for nasuah, if not we'll shoot you down" haha

to grace t, sweet composition and arrangement of music! cool guitar playing and to huda, nice voice man! maybe you can post the lyrics? i cant really rmb them cause it wasnt very clear. but i know theres a part which goes "....you and me?" heh.

to joy p, brave attempt on playing hoobastank's the reason on electric guitar and singing too! "im running for your HPC..." hehe

next thing to look forward to, CAMPAIGN SPEECHES, Q&A session and the DEBATE thingy!

you guys are doing okie dokey, fine and dandy [: no worries!
to the i/cs, rachel ram and joy tan, i hope you're coping well toooo especially with the expectations of ms lizah etc etc. it'll be good experience for you 2!
to the rest of the PCs, continue giving your support to these guys [: it'll really mean alot to them!

JIAYOU, to all pcs! rmb to take the lead whenever you can and make good use of the authority you have yah.we need to be the family which OUTSHINES the rest.everyone has a part to play (:

whoopee! through the postcard sales, we managed to raise $438 for the school [:
oh & those who can update the blog, please do so! it seems kinda funny with just 2 graces doing so


Thursday 10 April 2008

Countdown to 23 April 2008:


:D or :O or :/

We will make it through alive, people!

Sunday 6 April 2008

HPC ELECTIONS ARE ON! i know it's really early :/ but no choice! instructions from the aurthorities haha

so the 3 nominees are:

2.GRACE TANG!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D (Grace Tang added the smiles and exclamation marks :D Cheers!)

congrats you 3! to the rest of the sec3s, dont be disheartened! you guys have your own strengths and can contribute to the board and school in other ways too! congrats in advance to those who will make it as exco'09 (: i dont really know who will yet.patience! time will tell.

ah i feel so old.passing on the baton to the next batch already :O haha but i guess i'll (&the others) need to do so sooner or later!

okay as for the relay, ANYONE WHO WANNA VOLUNTEER TO RUN? practise taking INITIATIVE hehe

okay term2wk4 coming up! study hard, have fun, and there's sports day thie FRIDAY! ROSE HOUSE IS GONNA DO WELL THIS YEAR :D
& im placing my bet on GARDENIA for the champion house!

toodles (: graceA.
Speech Day's over! Good job t th ICs who sacrificed their recesses & tore their hair over planning th event :)

Anyway, thr are loads of tests coming up ths week! I trust tht y'all have studied fr them yah? (: Don't fall sick w those late nights, and don't blank out drng th paper! Hoho, all the best, prefects! After evrythg, it's gonna be Sports Day! (: *Cheers* By th way, thr's a qn tht's been on my mind fr quite some tm already...


Mayb we could drag Grace Ang and Tammy agn (: But we're still short of two ppl ):

Oh well, this is anthr post t update this blog (which is getting a lil' dead). Jiayou fr the week, PCs! (:

Love, T.