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Saturday 28 June 2008

Hello, hello! :D

The June holidays (whether that is the appropriate term or not) are over and so is the first week of school. Hope that everyone is still hanging on and doing fine, yeahh? :D

Leaders' Investiture is coming very, very soon! Some of us are excited, some are nervous and anxious. BUT nevertheless, all of us shall work together to ensure the event is a success, alright? We're hosting guests in this holding site, but it shan't hold us back from impressing their socks off :D

"No pain, no gain". There's a lot of work to be done, so please do try to clear the next 2 weeks for investiture preparations. It won't be easy, but we will pull through together still :D

P.S. The prefects' photo is out and with Huda (I think). Rest assured, all of us are looking good and fine :D There should be an order list going around soon. The 5R size is $3 and the 8R size is $6. This year's is of excellent quality, so do purchase one! :D

Grace Tang! :D (Has anyone noticed that every paragraph ended off with a smile?)

Sunday 22 June 2008

this is to let you know that we will be starting to paint the mural on tuesday, 24 June 2008, after school.
We will be staying back almost everyday to paint the mural as the mural have to be done by leaders investiture, 11 June.
The PR door will be open everyday after school!
So if you're free on that day, pls come and help!
Your help will be greatly appreciated!
If you're bored by studying or feeling stressed on that day, pls come!
It also kills your boredom!

wenmin & deryn

Sunday 15 June 2008


have not been here for awhile now!
bonding session!though i heard the attendance wasnt very good i hope you guys who went had fun (: to those who didnt please please please try to make it for the next one! it's really important to stick together like superglue! eh i mean, be close and get to know each other more so that you guys can work better together!
sorry for all the 'nagging'! i really sound like an old granny, repeating the same thing over and over again.

leaders' invest coming up too!
the new exco will finally be 'invested' and the sec2s will finally get their badges (:

okay i'll blog again whenever i can!


Friday 13 June 2008

Pictures from the pc bonding session!
As you can see,
there are not a lot of people.
So please try to make it for the next bonding session!
Thank you!