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Thursday 21 March 2013

T1W10/March Hols

Hi PCs!

I hope you all are enjoying your holidays right now. Jiayou to all those training hard for nationals/SYF! We can do this alright. Remember, CEDAR SOLID!

Despite your busy schedule, I hope you have set aside time for our EXCHANGE WITH VS Prefectorial Board this Saturday, 23rd March. It will be a great experience for you all to learn from one another and in turn improve the way our board runs. Don't treat it as a chore but as an opportunity. It will be worth your time, really.

Remember to submit your attendance to Serena! Plus, many investitures and events/workshops are coming up so keep a look out for them! Meanwhile, treasure the rest of your holidays PCs!

Sunday 10 March 2013


Hey PCs!

CAs are over for most of you right?:) Hope you are all having a good weekend!

Last Wednesday for assembly, it was Student Leaders' Time!!! The issues covered during 4 Focus Group Discussion between the Principal and Vice-Principals with about 60 student leaders were presented and yes there were some solutions provided by the school. :)

For example, the arrangement of a common lunch slot may be extended to other days in school so that students of all levels can meet if necessary  Also, this would allow Cedarians to go home earlier if they do not have other lessons/activities in the afternoon. Yay!:)

Another question was whether we Cedarians could be given opportunities to dress up for a good cause and the answer was yes, so long as we initiated it and the cause is meaningful. This would allow us to express our individualism as well as make the experience purposeful. :) Hinthint, after some feedback from the Cedarians a possible cause could be UNICEF! More to come along the way :) (hopefully)

Another issue was that in the canteen, there were times when there were insufficient seats in the canteen and some Cedarians had to eat while standing or even sit on the floor. More tables and chairs have been added to increase capacity of the canteen. :) Also, the school has considered our proposal to expand eating to other areas in school, mainly the Timbre Deck and at Eating Corners on each level of the classroom block!! However, this will require the co-operation of the whole school in keeping the eating areas clean. We will be given a one month trial to try this out! Aren't you excited? :) Really hope that this will be permanently implemented!

All right that's all for now, see you around PCs! It's the last week of term 1 so have fun! :)

-Ex-Co '12-'13 :)

Sunday 3 March 2013


Hey PCs!!
It's smack in the middle of CAs for the Sec 1s - 3s!! Jiayou guys, you can do it! :)
Anyway, some updates on what's been happening at school!

For assembly on Wednesday, the Singapore Chinese Orchestra came and performed for us!! They also taught us about the various chinese instruments such as the guzheng and the pipa! My favourite was the yangqin which is a chinese zither that sounds very beautiful!!

A yangqin!

The SCO performing for us :) lovely music!

PCs after assembly! Hardworking PCs at the back moving the chairs :) Thank you PCs!!!

Alright that's all for now :) all the best for your tests PCs!! And P.S. have fun at all the investitures!! Don't forget to do reflections, do PR Duty and write to your mortals/angels! :) Have a great week 9. :)

-Ex-Co '12-'13 :)