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Thursday 3 October 2013

End of Exams! (revival of blog after such a long period...:P)

Hello guys!

Phew! Exams has ended and time has flew by so quickly...IT'S NOW TERM 4 WEEK 3 (and it's ending soon). Well, that means our blog has been dead for more than 1 term ._. Terribly sorry for the deadness...D:

Well, that also means so much has happened since...and let's travel down memory lane:)

Our first photo of the whole board in 2014!

 ExCo '12 - '13! Ain't they simply gorgeous ;)

The ExCos with our Teachers In-Charge Mrs Woo and Ms Goh!

 PCs helping out with Level 1 Level Games
Thank you so much PCs, hope you guys had fun!:D
And we had the biggest event ever! Our Leaders' Investiture on 31 July 2013!

First picture together of ExCo '13 - '14