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Sunday 13 July 2008

As promised,

Leaders' Investiture 2008 was great. I don't know how I'm supposed to write this post because there are just too many things to say. Ironically, everything I want to say can be expressed in a single word: Joy. 

Yes, Joy. No, not because my name is Joy, but because I feel joy. Honestly, I've only felt true joy on a few occasions, invest being one of them.. or rather, being on stage and being invested as the new Head Prefect Councillor. Walking to the podium, seeing hopeful Cedarian faces, walking back to the choral risers, and seeing the board, the exco, my friends standing together as one. 

Together as one. 

Last night, I was sitting up in bed, thinking about how I could document the Investiture in my diary. I couldn't, I really couldn't. There were just too many experiences, too many feelings and too many people to love. So many people to thank. Too many people to thank. 

So perhaps, instead of writing about not being able to do the Investiture justice by writing about it, let's move forward. Let's move forward together. I came home from the Investiture on Friday. My feet were numb, really, numb, from running around in court shoes and my hair was a mess (as usual haha) but I flopped myself on my bed and listened to this song (which also happened to be the song stuck in my head throughout the course of the Investiture): 

Seeyou PCs. 

Oh PS: National Track & Field is this Wednesday. We're having a briefing for it after 

Saturday 12 July 2008

Leaders' Investiture 2008

From the eyes of Joy.


Next one up: Racial Harmony Day and National Day. All the best to the ICs :D

I shall let our new head prefect do the honours of posting about the investiture. I'm just here to say that if anyone wants a copy of the Channel News Cedar video, I'll be burning them into a CD and it'll be circulated around. THAT IS, if anyone wants it :D Let me know, yeahh.

To those who've been surviving on sleepless nights and messed up appetites, take the weekend to have a good rest, find your sanity again, and get prepared for another roller coaster ride. Good job, prefects! (and PSLs, if you're reading this.)

P.S. Please remember to wear your new badges and tie (if you received them). Do NOT wear your school badges! But keep them for memory's sake :D Ahahaha. See y'all on Monday.

Grace Tang :D

Saturday 5 July 2008



It really was the bomb, yozxzxzxzxzxzxzxz! That seemed to be the most happening day ever in school. I wonder if they'll let us do this every term or something :O Hoho, keep wishing :D

Anyway, good job to the ICs: Heather, Kashmira and Sherilynn. We could see you guys running up and down backstage and looking really stressed, but it was a success and hope that you guys have enjoyed the planning process. Look forward to more events, Sec2s! :D

Leaders' Investiture is coming up in less than a week, guys. It's time to just give it our best and impress the guests 'til their socks fly off!

Grace Tang! :D