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Monday 25 August 2008

hey there PEECEES!
how's everyone doing?
must be really busy with PPL thingy and teachers' day right?

im really really proud of you guys :D
this year's theme for teachers' day is something different from any other year, and and and i can see all the effort you people have been putting in !
hang in there okay? you'll taste satisfaction and joy after all the hard work (:continue to give your all and may you reap what you sow (:
looking forward to a great show on friday (:
press on!

*pats on everybody's back*


Monday 18 August 2008

Situational Test 2008

Joy P. and Grace T.

Joy Tan and Hanan

Hello Wen Min!

Heather and Kaushalya :D LAME GUYS


Petrina & Sarah emoing together

Fatimah is happy

Simin crying for Edward

Diana stoning

Rizwana! OH MY GOSH! I've never seen her like this!!!!!

Here are the pictures I took while moving from station to station. I apologise if I've portrayed you in an unglamorous manner... Sadly, we were all pretty unglamorous. I'd like to thank everyone for the hard work they put in to make this situational test a success, especially to our Beloved Joy Yuen who has toiled day and night to group, regroup, count, measure and organise the PPLs to perfection. I dedicate this picture to you:

Your admin skills and face contortion techniques are an inspiration to all of us. & you aren't unphotogenic!

Sunday 17 August 2008

Hello everyone!

I just realised I haven't blogged since Leaders' Investiture. Another big event is coming- Teachers' Day. I really hope the board can pull together and make Teachers' Day a slap-in-the-face-oh-my-gosh-i-wish-i-could-do-that-success!

Everyone, to be honest, I'm quite tired and I can't imagine how tired the rest of you are.. so, cheer up and make merry with this video. It's an awareness test.

Friday 15 August 2008

Hello, prefects!

How are all of you doing? Hawhaw, hope that everyone is still hanging there and alive :D For the small ones, good luck for your last Maths common test, yup. For the medium ones, all the best for...


Woohoo, that is going to be another BIG event, so just give your 100% into the planning and make it a blast. Plus, this is going to be our last event planned together, so we shall make it as emotional and sentimental as possible, ahahahahahah. We've all got exams to study for and other things to worry about, but let's just end off on a nice note with a big bang :D

Weekend's here, and time is flying! So drink up, sleep well, do your homework and eat lots of ice cream! :D

Grace Tang :D