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Thursday 12 February 2009

Guess who I am! :)

Just wanna drop by and say "Hello" from Perth. I hope everybody is doing fine back there, yeah? It's been about...6 weeks since school has started for y'all, and I am sure your weeks are packed to the brim with activities, meetings, after-school commitments and what not. HOHO, I suddenly remember the hectic life back in Cedar. It does feel a bit weird having so much free time here :O But I'm slowly getting used to it.

So, Cedar fiesta is coming up! Along with Valentine's Day, Speech Day, exams...the list could go on and on. Is everyone excited about it? I wish I could be there. I've heard about the embarassing announcements and "glamorous" posters. All the best for your upcoming events, k? Show them what CPB is made out of!

School in Australia is very different to Singapore :O Overall, we still have more homework because there isn't much "study". The school rules are very different too, hurhurhur. I shall let all of you guess what my skirt length is :) I'm studying in a small, private school. The entire compound is only about the size of our school's first floor (I'm not joking). But yeah, it's got a homey feeling, and everyone knows everyone else here, so it's like a big family. Makes me miss Cedar...

Oh well, I guess all of you are tired of reading my post already. Shall let your eyes rest, and I'm presuming that the only reason you come online is to do proposals. SO CHOP CHOP, FINISH YOUR FRIENDLY PAPERWORK BEFORE JOY PRIYA/SARAH LEONG START CHASING YOU!

I miss you, prefects. Every single one of you...even the juniors and new prefects. Take lots of care, alright? And just believe in yourself. No matter what comes your way, remember that you've got each other. I know y'all can do it :)


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