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Tuesday 17 December 2013

An overview :)

Dear PCs,

As 2013 is coming to an end with the Secondary 4s graduating, the Exco of 2012 - 2013 would like to take this opportunity to look back on our amazing journey together, and give you an overview of what has happened during our time! We hope that by chronicling our experiences as an Exco, we'd be able to provide future Excos with what to expect during their stint, and to encourage potential Exco members to step up and lead with courage and conviction :)

First up,
Leaders' Investiture 2012!!!!! With the theme - Changing Tides. (For new PCs - the graduating Sec 4s 2012 are the ones in CCUs while the rest of us are in uniform) Hahaha Debbie says, "I remember running everywhere on the final day to make sure everything was ok..". We were the fresh faces in the Exco, eager and willing to charge at any obstacles in our way. In Lew's words - Leaders' Investiture "felt so exciting!!!" because it signified a year ahead where we could, for lack of better words, change tides. There were so many things we had in mind for the board! Be it major changes like wanting to do away with the conduct files, to other miscellaneous things like changing our blazers - we sought to launch a major overhaul of the board.

This photo was taken at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2012, where the board introduced new prefects and the Exco addressed various pressing issues. By this time, we had discussed several problems with Mrs Woo and had hoped to change all that!

Meanwhile, the Exco was still trying to get used to our (not so new) positions. It was tough of course, having to balance the heavy committments in the board, our CCAs, academics and extra activities outside school. We had to meet frequently, to discuss about matters regarding the board. Often enough, we would find ourselves running to class after the recess bell, greeting our teachers with a sheepish smile :)

Part of the Exco meeting up after CCA (check out Yick still in her Choir shirt haha) to go to IKEA to get farewell gifts for the Sec 4s of 2012 (and dinner and...... ice cream :P). It was times like these which made all the late nights, all the worry about proposals, worth it. Despite being put together at the beginning without knowing each other, through the meetings, events and time spent with one another, we have grown to become close friends. For all those who think we're straight-laced, prudish people - trust me, we're the oddest, funniest, most heck-care bunch of people! Running through IKEA laughing at Jing's jokes or Za's comments, it was an awesome night :)

CPB chalet 2012! It was rather stressful for us - managing many of you, making sure everybody stayed safe. Lyd was the funniest one though, always asking "Where's the $$$$$?" hahaha! It was a time to bond though, with Lew and Za heading over to Yick's house (and /cough/ laughing at Yick's brother "Where's the bouncy castle????"). We hope chalet 2012 was fun for all of you! :)

Moving on to 2013....

After the VCA coastal run in February, the PCs went on a board outing! The board outing after cross country has, in recent years, become something of a tradition so we hope future Excos will continue to organize such outings :) It's a great time to bond because PCs don't meet that often - it's usually during duties, or events so......... well, it's always good to practise bowling so you can kick ass every year -winks- There'll always be people like Lew who claims "I cannot bowl for nuts..." while Debbie very proudly says "I'm absolute great at bowling, I can't wait to show off haha" but bowling aside, nothing can beat the bonds that grow stronger with every minute spent together. After 3 years, you and your fellow PCs would have built up a special camaraderie that you'd definitely miss when you graduate :)

This photo was taken at the VCA exchange in March! We're not sure how it went for you - but we'd learnt quite a fair bit on how the Victoria School Prefectorial Board works. In some way, their board works a little more flexibly than ours, which is something we can work on in the future :) We heard a second exchange with VSPB is in works - so you can look forward to that!
In view of our original mission to 'change tides' a year ago, the Exco also tried out the "Eating Corner Project 2013" after feedback from many PCs and Cedarians. Despite a rough start with the Vice Principals, the EC project has gone rather well! We're not sure whether the EC project will continue to become an ordinary thing in Cedar but it's a step in the right direction right? The Exco has to admit that we've not changed much in the board, and there are still many areas and issues to work on. We hope that future Excos will be able to tackle problems that we previously failed to address!

From L-R: Fadhlin & Serena (Head Prefects), Alicia & Violet (Heads of Training & Development), Ying Jie & Jing Xuan (Heads of Welfare), Ms Carolynn Goh & Mrs Julia Woo (Prefect Mistresses), Kristianne & Debbie (Heads of Community Relations), Victoria & Lydia (Heads of Secretariat & Finance), Saloni & Hariza (Vice Head Prefects), Charmaine & Wan Yi (Heads of Discipline)

The last major event - Leaders' Investiture 2013! SLI was actually superbly well done by the new Exco - so congratulations on your first major event success :) Lydia echoes all of our sentiments though: "Wait.. 1 year passed by so fast?" Vio too, mentioned she "felt sad after the reality that we actually had to step down" hit her :( 

Of course, all good things eventually come to an end. We're very glad to be handing over the board to a group of talented and enthusiastic people who will no doubt, lead the board to heights greater than we have.
For the new PCs, we hope you're brave enough to grab every opportunity present eg volunteer to attend investiture, volunteer for events like the Asean Youth Convention, or any Leaders' Forum etc, for you'll miss any opportunity you don't take! Stop waiting for things to happen, go out and make them happen. It's only through these events you encounter, that you'll grow to be a better leader :) Be spontaneous and enthusiastic in just about everything, you won't regret it - I promise!

Last but not least, some farewell words from the Exco of 2012 - 2013:

Serena aka Lew: Thank you all so much for making my Cedar leadership journey with all of you PCs such an incredibly fulfilling and exciting one.  Make the most out of every moment in the CPB, always be open to learning, and don't be afraid to step up. Ultimately, it is up to you to shape your own experience so SUIT UP!, be brave and let your dreams take the lead.

Hariza aka Za: Hello! It's been a long time since I last addressed you all. I really miss you all and it has been an honour to work with all of you. So many amazing experiences with you guys throughout all the different events and our duties. Do your best in future and make the CPB family proud!

Violet aka Viola: I learnt a lot through leading CPB in the various areas and through the different events. It's been a literal whirlwind with the many things we did! For the PCs, make full use of the time you have. Don't leave regretting not made the changes you think can be made. Persevere through the difficult times, they're there for a reason!

Wan Yi aka Yick: Being a part of the board is the best thing that has happened to me in Cedar. It's the little things, the small experiences like chalet and running to watch the sun rise (Hahaha Fadlin Saloni Rusydina you guys!!!) that add up to give the most wonderful journey with you fellow PCs. Treasure every moment in CPB, because one day you're going to look back and wish you had more time.

Lydia aka Lyd:Hi Guys! I have thoroughly enjoyed my journey in the black shoe gang and it is my pleasure to have known you guys! :)) Continue to keep the discipline up high and make CPB the best board ever! Always put your best "black shoe"forward! Miss you  loads <3

Debbie aka Debbo: Thank you for tolerating my nonsense and all, it has been a great journey with all of you! I hope we won't forget the friendships we've made :)

Jing Xuan aka Jing: Really can't believe it has been almost 2 years since we stepped up! The journey in CPB and being in the Exco has been an amazing one for me. Sure enough, there were lots of committments required but with the help of Sere, Za, Debbo, Lydiaaa, Violettt and Yicky (hahaha all sounds mushy here) everything became enjoyable and fun! To all the PCs out there, thank you dears and love the PR hahaha! Visit the PR more often and love it like your home <3

We were incredibly busy during our time as Exco members, having loads on our plates at times (Za, gosh!! CPB, NCC, MCS, OALB, studies etc and also Jing being Red Cross chairperson on top of an Exco member) and sacrificing sleep for either Exco stuff or to catch up on homework (that time when Lew, Yick and Mrs Woo stayed up until 4am to finish the Mrs Ouyang Style video....). We'd be lying if we said being a part of the Exco wasn't tough. On hindsight though, none of us regret our decisions to be in it - for we had each other during the difficult and frustating nights :) Being in the Exco has taught us many things, of which includes how to be more confident of ourselves and how to have that mental strength in you to carry on when all you want to do is just give up. It was an arduous journey, but at the end, it's all worth it.

Presenting for the final time,
(L-R: Lydia, Hariza, Serena, Debbie, Wan Yi, Jing Xuan, Violet)

from Cedar Prefectorial Board, the Executive Committee of 2012 - 2013.

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