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Thursday 22 May 2008

Third post for the day! 

I suppose everything's been said already, so I can only wish everyone a very FULFILLING holiday. Perhaps this will be the June holiday where you find out your purpose in life, or why the grasshopper hops where the wind blows or how to grow a third arm. 

Whatever the case, eat, drink and be merry.
Come back rejuvenated and ready for another semester. 

Happy holidays everyone! 
Joy Priya

hello (:

how're all the black-shoers doing?

holidays are here! and some of you must be really beeeeeeeeeeeeeezy right? especially the sec3s who are taking over the sec4s soon.
in any case, dont neglect any peecee stuffs! eg. the day camp on 12th june conducted by mr kang (sec4s can choose to go for it or not), outings within your own level (?), leaders invest prep, etc etc etc.

we gotta keep going and not let our peecee spirit die okay! sec2 and 3 pcs, i know you guys can bridge that gap ( you know what i mean! ) haha. the sec2s are more to the quiet side. the sec 3s are slightly louder. SEE. OPPOSITES ATTRACT! that's why i have confidence that you guys will work well together even after the sec4s retire (:
congrats to the new exco again! & keep up the enthusiasm to lead the school. but dont get over-board! hehe many eyes are on you

okay rmb that whenever you're down and out, you've got your other peecees to count on!

keep going people!
grace ang
Upcoming events:

1. Leaders' Investiture! (It's gonna be BIG! :D)
2. Recruitment of new pupil leaders
3. National Day Parade
4. Teachers' Day (Another BIG event!)

All this is going to be cramped in Term 3 and preparations for all of them will be over the June holidays. Yes, it's hardwork, but always enjoy the process and embrace the accomplished feeling after everything! The meeting with Ms Lizah was long, but thankfully productive :D And I must say, there's a lot in store for the Prefectorial Board! So brace yourselves, prefects :D

JUNE HOLIDAYS ARE HERE! (And so is Cross Country. What mood should I put here?)

Well, it wouldn't really be holidays since all of us have events to plan, courses to attend and homework to do...but nevertheless, try to at least get a break for recomposure, alright? Don't stress out so much over the holidays and get some rest :D Prepare yourselves for the BIG stuff, yeahh! :D

To end off, prefects rock :D

Grace Tang :D

Wednesday 21 May 2008

The first in a long time...

Hey ppl! its been about hundred million years since i last posted anything on any blog; so i am really sorry if my first post turns out to be crappy! Term's coming to a close end and we peecees have loads to look forward to!

1) Mural!! :D

2) PC day camp!! :D

3) Picnic (still getting to it)


Oh my! i think i am really going a tad bit crazy...it comes with hanging out with ppl like hmmm, let's see pinky tube? :P haha. I think i will sign off right HERE. Its not my fault that it has been more than 2 years since i last blogged! i need time to get back to blogging fluently again!!

p.s: i think wen min, grace tang and myself can put up adverts on wrapping gifts... :)



Monday 19 May 2008

Hello PCs!
This is my first time blogging here!
So here are the pictures from the exco outing today
but didnt upload all
because it takes too long.
i took more than one hour to upload all these!
and i think if i were to upload all, it will flood the pc blog!
especially with all the grace tang photos!

EXCO o8-09! Nasuha and Joy Yuen are missing!

our ice cream!

Warning: The photos below may cause some disturbance to your eyes.

Note: The photos below are solely taken by grace tang herself




June holidays are coming!

are you all excited?!





Your very camera-shy head prefect :D Gosh, I just enjoy tormenting her with the camera!


This is when she was eating Toblerone cheesecake. It's almost the love of our lives, and from her expression, you can roughly tell that she's savouring every little bit :D

See Wen Min! Where are the other PRETTY photos? And silly you, there is no need to take down minutes when we're having lunch, alright? :D Hawhaw.

"Huda shall take the orders, Wen Min will settle the bill, Deryn can ensure our cleanliness and Rizwana will maintain our silence!" :D We're probably the lamest people on earth. Oh yes, JOY YUEN AND NASUHA THAHA! You'd better come for the next outing or you will be strung like cheese on a grate!!!! ):<

June holidays are coming soon, people! Time for more bonding! :D

Grace Tang :D

Friday 16 May 2008


Say hello to your new head prefect of 2008 and (part of) 2009.

Congratulations, JOY PRIYA! :D

We're all proud of you for making it to the post of HPC, and confident that you'll lead the school well :D Your gayness and intellect is the perfect combination, hurhur! Remain true to your values and stand firm in what you believe in. Never let the tongues of others affect how you feel about yourself. Just do what is right and know that no matter what happens, you will have the support of us! :D

Also, congratulations to the other 6: Deryn, Huda, Joy Yuen, Nasuha Rizwana and Wen Min :D

There'll be a lot of changes to the portfolios and the Board itself. Well, hold on tight and enjoy the ride! :D

Grace Tang :D

P.S. Sorry for the "unglam" photo :P HAWHAWHAWHAW!

Wednesday 7 May 2008

Ello!You know, I've been planning on blogging here since.. forever and now that I'm actually here,my fingers are trembling and I've inconveniently forgotten everything I've wanted to blog about. So let me leave you with random pictures off my computer.

Oh, other than that, Grace Tang has shamelessly stolen not one but TWO of my sign offs, forcing me to come up with one which she will either a) not be interested in snatching or b) not know of therefore, not being able to snatch. Since this is a public blog, (b) is out. Leaving me with (a)

With bright pink lipstick, a miniskirt and a teapot full of fragrant proposals,
Joy P.

Tuesday 6 May 2008

MYEs are over, people
time to relax!
tammy, tammy, you're always having alot unglam photos of people eh haha YOU DIE! one day you'll get it ;P teehee

okay something to crack you up :D


Tammy's actually blogging here!

Hi, ha myes are over and i have decided it's time i blog before stepping down/ there's no time/ i forget the password or everyone not realising i do visit th blog.
And, also to add some Tammy in between all the Graces. We're getting too Grace-ful. Here's my form of appreciation :B
(Please don't harm innocent Tammy after this)

So Sec4s myes are over, well done fellow peecees :D Okay i think chem wasn't exactly easy but let's just wait for th results and hope for th best!
Sec2 and 3s, hope yr doing well in lessons and ccas. Rly rly rly treasure yr time yeah. When times are difficult and you just feel like giving up, always rmbr you're not in it alone and that at the end of th day, all these will pay off. Trust me, 4 years in Cedar passes like whhhooooosh! fast.

Anyway, I like pictures but i don't see any so here's some!

Sec3! Haha with Jaslyn (sp?) Tay
Steven Gerrard, a respectable leader, my inspiration (:


Hurhur, mid-years are over! Badabing badaboom, all of you made it through alive :D Oh well, recooperate from your composure loss over the past few days (if there was such a thing), and enjoy your 2-day break! We will still enjoy our empty recess while we can, hahas :D

And if you miss the mid-years, don't worry. There are still Prelims and finally, the big 'O's :D

P.S. Can someone else other than Almighty&Great Grace Tang update this blog? I think people have had an overdose of seeing my signature potato sign-off at the end of posts, tsk. (Of course, nobody can get enough of me, muahahahah! :D)

With rice, potatoes and mangoes,
Grace Tang :D

Sunday 4 May 2008

Recess has been rather empty lately :O

Continue to work hard for your mid-year exams, Sec4s! The weather is now torturous and the sun is spreading its merciless heat against our will now, so please drink more water to prevent yourself from dehydrating. It wouldn't be nice to dry up in the midst of mugging, would it?

What doesn't kill you will make you stronger.


P.S. Should you choose the latter, please avoid using biodiesel ones. If you have read the newspapers (which you should have, for the sake of current affairs in your English essay), food scientists are protesting to cut down on the use of biodiesel to increase the amount of food we have. That, in turn, will hopefully lower the jaw-dropping cost of rice now. And you know what? This entire paragraph was completely rubbish, hurhur.

With rice and potatoes,
Grace Tang :D