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Tuesday 6 May 2008

Tammy's actually blogging here!

Hi, ha myes are over and i have decided it's time i blog before stepping down/ there's no time/ i forget the password or everyone not realising i do visit th blog.
And, also to add some Tammy in between all the Graces. We're getting too Grace-ful. Here's my form of appreciation :B
(Please don't harm innocent Tammy after this)

So Sec4s myes are over, well done fellow peecees :D Okay i think chem wasn't exactly easy but let's just wait for th results and hope for th best!
Sec2 and 3s, hope yr doing well in lessons and ccas. Rly rly rly treasure yr time yeah. When times are difficult and you just feel like giving up, always rmbr you're not in it alone and that at the end of th day, all these will pay off. Trust me, 4 years in Cedar passes like whhhooooosh! fast.

Anyway, I like pictures but i don't see any so here's some!

Sec3! Haha with Jaslyn (sp?) Tay
Steven Gerrard, a respectable leader, my inspiration (:


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