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Saturday 26 January 2013


Hey PCs! :) Did you all have a good week? I'm sure you did, with Divian and Sonia C from 987FM who came to Cedar for our assembly programme on Wednesday, 23 Jan! :)

The hype all began the night before, when this was posted.....

We had a great time, was entertained by the two lovely DJs, and also got to learn more about the life of a DJ! Watch the video below to see Divian and Sonia C at our school :)

(Above: Photo taken from  987FM Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=11757416&l=43e8177ce4&id=143098527028)

Thank you Divian and Sonia for visiting us! :)

Thank you PCs as well for bringing the classes to the Cedar Hub punctually and setting up the chairs in Cedar Hub for the teachers! :) Really appreciated :)

Rest well this weekend okay! :) Appraisals for Sec 3s are over, and appraisals for Sec 2s have started! Hope you had a good time during appraisal :) See you in school next week, have a great weekend! :)

P.S. photo of happy lewie and zaza after the assembly!!!!

- CPB Ex-Co '12 - '13 :)

Sunday 20 January 2013


Hey PCs :)

What a busy week it's been!! Was great seeing you all at board meeting and helping out during induction! :) Thank you all so much for putting in the effort to stay back for rehearsals and come to school on a Saturday to help out:) Also, thanks to the Induction ICs Neha and Dhieve for heading the event!

Anyway, board meeting slides have been uploaded onto our board email's Google drive so please check it out! Do note the new routes for classes during morning assembly, and the new assembly procedures. :)

To our sec 2 and 3 PCs, please fill up the new PC Dossier 2013! So sorry about making all of you do it again :( Please submit it by 1 Feb 2013 to Violet :)

Alright, that's all for this week! Hope you have a great week 3 and don't forget to wish Annabelle a happy birthday tomorrow!!!

- CPB Ex-Co '12-'13 :)

Sunday 13 January 2013

T1W1 has passed!!!

Hey PCs! :)

The enjoyable Nov/Dec holidays are over! Open House, AGM, PC Chalet, Sec 1 Registration and Sec 1 Orientation,  were great weren't they?:) (Check out our Flickr or Fadhlin Sakina's Facebook, chalet photos have been uploaded there :) thanks Fadhlin!)  Hope you all had a great time and had time to unwind and relax. :)  But 2013 is here, and it's going to be an exciting year for all of us! Week 1 (and week 0) has flown by in a blink of an eye! How are all of you coping with your duties and school work? Hope you are all adjusting well! :) Have you been receiving sweet letters/gifts from your Angels? Pass on the love! Glad to see the PR clean (thank you Jing Xuan and all those on duty in week 0/1!) and thank you for taking care of your classes every morning! Late coming PCs thank you for guarding the gates as well! :)

Anyway, here are some updates for you! Below is the rough timeline for the next 2 weeks :)

Term 1

Week 2

- Sec 3 Appraisals (Whole week, During recess/lunch, Prefects' Room)
- Board Meeting #1 (Wed 16 Jan, 2.15pm to 3.15pm, Garnet Seminar Room)
- Sec 2 Appraisals (Thurs 17 Jan, 12.55pm to 1.35pm, Prefects' Room)
- Sec 1 Induction Ceremony Dry Run (Wed 16 Jan, tbc, Cedar Hub) <- TBC
- Sec 1 Induction Ceremony Dry Run (Fri 18 Jan, tbc, Cedar Hub)
- Sec 1 Induction Ceremony (Sat 19 Jan, tbc, Cedar Hub)

Week 3

- Sec 3 Appraisals (21 to 23 Jan, During recess/lunch, Prefects' Room)
- Sec 2 Appraisals (Thurs 24 Jan, 12.55pm to 1.35pm, Prefects' Room)

We will update the blog with more such timelines so that all PCs will be well-informed! :) Thanks! :)
Also, here's to all our January Babies!! 
Yi Ting - 3 Jan
Maxine - 7 Jan
Debbie 8 Jan
Wan Yi - 15 Jan
Alicia - 16 Jan
Annabelle - 21 Jan
Rohini - 27 Jan (duo babes!!!)
Manesha - 27 Jan (duo babes!!!)
Shalini - 29 Jan
Happy Birthday dears!!! Hope you've had/will have a great birthday :) 

Remember, pace yourselves well throughout the year, sleep regularly and don't fret :) Do your duties well and continue being a great role model to those around you :) See you around PCs!

P.S. Feel free to post any updates about the board such as any experiences you've learnt from/short updates on the board/any happy photos :) Thanks PCs :)

- CPB Ex-Co '12-'13 :)

Message from Ishwarya Nair

Hello PCs,

Ishwarya Nair (3H, 2012) migrated to Australia last year. She left this parting message to all PCs. :)

Hi guys , I think my phone's been terminated so please help me to relay this message to all PCs. Good luck to you'll for all events last year! Maintain the high standards of discipline and excellent conduct that we're known for ok! Keep the momentum going and always be an exemplary role model that fellow Cedarians can always look up to! Be good to the EXCO and they will to you (; DON'T EAT IN CLASS. HAHA. But yes, remember that as a leader, as a PC, you've always gotta be above the bar, cos that's when you can earn not just Cedarians', but fellow human beings' respect ok! I'm 1/2h away from Goldcoast so you guys can come over and visit (:
To Sec 3s: Good luck for Os and everything next year.
To Sec 2s: Good luck for your studies (big jump but manageable ;) and leadership boards (Go for it!)
To Sec 1s: Good luck for streaming and leadership and everything else!
Ok take care, be safe and goodbye :)

You'll always be a part of the CPB family Ishu!! Hope you had a great time as a PC. :)