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Saturday 26 January 2013


Hey PCs! :) Did you all have a good week? I'm sure you did, with Divian and Sonia C from 987FM who came to Cedar for our assembly programme on Wednesday, 23 Jan! :)

The hype all began the night before, when this was posted.....

We had a great time, was entertained by the two lovely DJs, and also got to learn more about the life of a DJ! Watch the video below to see Divian and Sonia C at our school :)

(Above: Photo taken from  987FM Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=11757416&l=43e8177ce4&id=143098527028)

Thank you Divian and Sonia for visiting us! :)

Thank you PCs as well for bringing the classes to the Cedar Hub punctually and setting up the chairs in Cedar Hub for the teachers! :) Really appreciated :)

Rest well this weekend okay! :) Appraisals for Sec 3s are over, and appraisals for Sec 2s have started! Hope you had a good time during appraisal :) See you in school next week, have a great weekend! :)

P.S. photo of happy lewie and zaza after the assembly!!!!

- CPB Ex-Co '12 - '13 :)

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