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Sunday 10 February 2013


Hello PCs!

Xin Nian Kuai Le, Wan Shi Ru Yi! (Sorry, Hariza's posting this so I apologise for any mistakes.) Hope all of you are having a great holiday now. It's time to spend quality time with your extended family, catch up on the past year and forge greater bonds ahead.

As for the CPB family, we sure hope that you will continue striving hard and do your best as a PC so that we can serve the school better. Internal voting was conducted last week and we hope to be able to release the results to you soon. For those of you who had to leave halfway due to electives or third language, do meet the ExCo to finish filling in your voting slips. Do remember that all your votes are confidential.

Once again, have a happy Chinese New Year! :)

Photo taken from oongui.blogspot.com

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