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Sunday 20 January 2013


Hey PCs :)

What a busy week it's been!! Was great seeing you all at board meeting and helping out during induction! :) Thank you all so much for putting in the effort to stay back for rehearsals and come to school on a Saturday to help out:) Also, thanks to the Induction ICs Neha and Dhieve for heading the event!

Anyway, board meeting slides have been uploaded onto our board email's Google drive so please check it out! Do note the new routes for classes during morning assembly, and the new assembly procedures. :)

To our sec 2 and 3 PCs, please fill up the new PC Dossier 2013! So sorry about making all of you do it again :( Please submit it by 1 Feb 2013 to Violet :)

Alright, that's all for this week! Hope you have a great week 3 and don't forget to wish Annabelle a happy birthday tomorrow!!!

- CPB Ex-Co '12-'13 :)

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