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Tuesday 23 December 2008


AGM is over! bummerr... 

Hopefully, all of you have brought back memorable experiences and have gotten to know CPB better. Yes? Thanks for making it a point to come back to Cedar for our Annual General Meeting I must say, attendance was quite satisfactory. :) I hope all of you had as much fun as I did! Here are some photos, the rest are on facebook. 

Joy P. 

Sunday 7 December 2008

Annual General Meeting 2008

Date: 23 December 2008, Tuesday
Time: 9am - 3pm
Venue: The Meeting Place
Attire: House Tee & School Skirt
Things To Bring: Pen & Notebook, money for lunch.

All PCs are to write 1 encouraging letter to any other PC. This is meant for an activity we will be conducting during the AGM.

AGM is compulsory for all PCs and overrules CCA as it is only held once a year. If you are unable to attend, please submit a parents letter to Wenmin by the first week of school next year.

See you there!

Joy Priya

Saturday 22 November 2008

Hello my dear PCs.  

I was actually going to say 'Hello baby flamingos' but nah. So, yesterday was Cedar Musical and the ushers had a blast! Right? haha well, we had our good times ushering people back and forth and guarding reserved seats. I was really happy I managed to catch the musical because like I said, it's a significant milestone in Cedar history. Perhaps in future, Cedar will consider hosting more musicals because nothing's more worth it than showcasing the arts! Plus the cast and crew were so diverse (Some performers from volleyball, NPCC, NCC, etc..) It just goes to show that a) you don't have to have formal training to be a star and b) Cedarians are naturally gifted with singing and dancing capabilities. haha 

So we took this hurried picture at the end of the day. Thank you ushers for making the first and last part of the event organised! Congratulations to all Maid in Singapore performers and musicians! *hinthint* It went really well yesterday! 


Joy Priya

PS. Gd luck Regist and Orientation ICs. Hold strong and do us all proud! 
PPS. I look like some peace-loving love-deprived child in the picture. It looks like I'm going to say 'Come children, give me a hug' haha. 

Sunday 16 November 2008


Ok, that was utter random-ness and shall never be repeated again, hurhur :)

Anyway, this is just FYI. From now on, all information and details about this year's Prefects' Chalet/Farewell will be on the Fair&Well blog. If you don't know the URL, please slap yourself 58 times on the left and right cheek, then look at the bottom post or check the links column. Thank you very much :) ahahahaha.

Hope all of you are excited for it! And by the way, this year's chalet is called "Fair&Well". Please do not ask why, hawhaw.

Grace Tang!

P.S. I am just kidding about the slapping part. Just look at the post or check the links column.

Monday 10 November 2008


Don't worry, it's not a virus, hah. It's the farewell invitation.

Grace Tang :)

Wednesday 29 October 2008

Hey PCs!!! (:
The contact list for CPB 07-08 ,which include the new PCs, have been sent to your email!
Please go check whether its correct (:

As for the NEW sec 1s and sec 2s PCs,
pls log in to CedarPrefectorialBoard@hotmail.com to check your contacts! (:
I guess all of you should know the password right?

Tuesday 28 October 2008

Monday 27 October 2008

It's the Holidays!!


Just thought that I'd drop by. Another year is gone and past times shared were great! Enjoy the school holidays everyone. Still got the PC chalet, registration and orientation to look forward to. =).Smilez!

Saturday 18 October 2008

Hello PCs!

Just thought I'd drop by since I miss you all so much! :D
How's the school? Hmm how was Open House? And what's next, Sec One Registration, then Orientation? This is gonna be busy.

Anyhow, just wanted to say I LOVE CEDAR! & I LOVE CPB! :D
Really miss you all and hope I'll be back to visit soon. ( :
Oh, selected the new PCs already right? Congrats!
You are now part of the Unique Family That Outshines All! :D

YuSin (I hope I am remembered, still!)

Tuesday 7 October 2008


Yes, all 4 of them. I managed to take only 4 before my pathetic camera(which has be thrown around for far too long) flashed it's final flash. Not to worry, it is recovering in the charger whatchamacallit. 

Ps. Rmb we've got a briefing on 8/10/2008,Wednesday, 2pm at FLOS regarding Open House. Seeyouthere. 
PPS. We've got a orientation/bonding session with the new PCs on 9/10/2008, Thursday,2:15-3:45pm in the PR. 

From the looks of it, I'll be seeing all of you around everywhere. 

Tuesday 2 September 2008

Hey everyone. 

I hope everyone has recovered from Teachers' Day. That last week was pretty hectic but I'm happy it's over. Even though there were a few mistakes, it was definitely a huge learning opportunity for all of us. 

So now, everyone, we've finished another big event and the next ones will probably be Open House and Graduation in October. 

Ohmy, it's September already? This year is flying by so quickly. 


Monday 25 August 2008

hey there PEECEES!
how's everyone doing?
must be really busy with PPL thingy and teachers' day right?

im really really proud of you guys :D
this year's theme for teachers' day is something different from any other year, and and and i can see all the effort you people have been putting in !
hang in there okay? you'll taste satisfaction and joy after all the hard work (:continue to give your all and may you reap what you sow (:
looking forward to a great show on friday (:
press on!

*pats on everybody's back*


Monday 18 August 2008

Situational Test 2008

Joy P. and Grace T.

Joy Tan and Hanan

Hello Wen Min!

Heather and Kaushalya :D LAME GUYS


Petrina & Sarah emoing together

Fatimah is happy

Simin crying for Edward

Diana stoning

Rizwana! OH MY GOSH! I've never seen her like this!!!!!

Here are the pictures I took while moving from station to station. I apologise if I've portrayed you in an unglamorous manner... Sadly, we were all pretty unglamorous. I'd like to thank everyone for the hard work they put in to make this situational test a success, especially to our Beloved Joy Yuen who has toiled day and night to group, regroup, count, measure and organise the PPLs to perfection. I dedicate this picture to you:

Your admin skills and face contortion techniques are an inspiration to all of us. & you aren't unphotogenic!

Sunday 17 August 2008

Hello everyone!

I just realised I haven't blogged since Leaders' Investiture. Another big event is coming- Teachers' Day. I really hope the board can pull together and make Teachers' Day a slap-in-the-face-oh-my-gosh-i-wish-i-could-do-that-success!

Everyone, to be honest, I'm quite tired and I can't imagine how tired the rest of you are.. so, cheer up and make merry with this video. It's an awareness test.

Friday 15 August 2008

Hello, prefects!

How are all of you doing? Hawhaw, hope that everyone is still hanging there and alive :D For the small ones, good luck for your last Maths common test, yup. For the medium ones, all the best for...


Woohoo, that is going to be another BIG event, so just give your 100% into the planning and make it a blast. Plus, this is going to be our last event planned together, so we shall make it as emotional and sentimental as possible, ahahahahahah. We've all got exams to study for and other things to worry about, but let's just end off on a nice note with a big bang :D

Weekend's here, and time is flying! So drink up, sleep well, do your homework and eat lots of ice cream! :D

Grace Tang :D

Sunday 13 July 2008

As promised,

Leaders' Investiture 2008 was great. I don't know how I'm supposed to write this post because there are just too many things to say. Ironically, everything I want to say can be expressed in a single word: Joy. 

Yes, Joy. No, not because my name is Joy, but because I feel joy. Honestly, I've only felt true joy on a few occasions, invest being one of them.. or rather, being on stage and being invested as the new Head Prefect Councillor. Walking to the podium, seeing hopeful Cedarian faces, walking back to the choral risers, and seeing the board, the exco, my friends standing together as one. 

Together as one. 

Last night, I was sitting up in bed, thinking about how I could document the Investiture in my diary. I couldn't, I really couldn't. There were just too many experiences, too many feelings and too many people to love. So many people to thank. Too many people to thank. 

So perhaps, instead of writing about not being able to do the Investiture justice by writing about it, let's move forward. Let's move forward together. I came home from the Investiture on Friday. My feet were numb, really, numb, from running around in court shoes and my hair was a mess (as usual haha) but I flopped myself on my bed and listened to this song (which also happened to be the song stuck in my head throughout the course of the Investiture): 

Seeyou PCs. 

Oh PS: National Track & Field is this Wednesday. We're having a briefing for it after 

Saturday 12 July 2008

Leaders' Investiture 2008

From the eyes of Joy.


Next one up: Racial Harmony Day and National Day. All the best to the ICs :D

I shall let our new head prefect do the honours of posting about the investiture. I'm just here to say that if anyone wants a copy of the Channel News Cedar video, I'll be burning them into a CD and it'll be circulated around. THAT IS, if anyone wants it :D Let me know, yeahh.

To those who've been surviving on sleepless nights and messed up appetites, take the weekend to have a good rest, find your sanity again, and get prepared for another roller coaster ride. Good job, prefects! (and PSLs, if you're reading this.)

P.S. Please remember to wear your new badges and tie (if you received them). Do NOT wear your school badges! But keep them for memory's sake :D Ahahaha. See y'all on Monday.

Grace Tang :D

Saturday 5 July 2008



It really was the bomb, yozxzxzxzxzxzxzxz! That seemed to be the most happening day ever in school. I wonder if they'll let us do this every term or something :O Hoho, keep wishing :D

Anyway, good job to the ICs: Heather, Kashmira and Sherilynn. We could see you guys running up and down backstage and looking really stressed, but it was a success and hope that you guys have enjoyed the planning process. Look forward to more events, Sec2s! :D

Leaders' Investiture is coming up in less than a week, guys. It's time to just give it our best and impress the guests 'til their socks fly off!

Grace Tang! :D

Saturday 28 June 2008

Hello, hello! :D

The June holidays (whether that is the appropriate term or not) are over and so is the first week of school. Hope that everyone is still hanging on and doing fine, yeahh? :D

Leaders' Investiture is coming very, very soon! Some of us are excited, some are nervous and anxious. BUT nevertheless, all of us shall work together to ensure the event is a success, alright? We're hosting guests in this holding site, but it shan't hold us back from impressing their socks off :D

"No pain, no gain". There's a lot of work to be done, so please do try to clear the next 2 weeks for investiture preparations. It won't be easy, but we will pull through together still :D

P.S. The prefects' photo is out and with Huda (I think). Rest assured, all of us are looking good and fine :D There should be an order list going around soon. The 5R size is $3 and the 8R size is $6. This year's is of excellent quality, so do purchase one! :D

Grace Tang! :D (Has anyone noticed that every paragraph ended off with a smile?)

Sunday 22 June 2008

this is to let you know that we will be starting to paint the mural on tuesday, 24 June 2008, after school.
We will be staying back almost everyday to paint the mural as the mural have to be done by leaders investiture, 11 June.
The PR door will be open everyday after school!
So if you're free on that day, pls come and help!
Your help will be greatly appreciated!
If you're bored by studying or feeling stressed on that day, pls come!
It also kills your boredom!

wenmin & deryn

Sunday 15 June 2008


have not been here for awhile now!
bonding session!though i heard the attendance wasnt very good i hope you guys who went had fun (: to those who didnt please please please try to make it for the next one! it's really important to stick together like superglue! eh i mean, be close and get to know each other more so that you guys can work better together!
sorry for all the 'nagging'! i really sound like an old granny, repeating the same thing over and over again.

leaders' invest coming up too!
the new exco will finally be 'invested' and the sec2s will finally get their badges (:

okay i'll blog again whenever i can!


Friday 13 June 2008

Pictures from the pc bonding session!
As you can see,
there are not a lot of people.
So please try to make it for the next bonding session!
Thank you!

Thursday 22 May 2008

Third post for the day! 

I suppose everything's been said already, so I can only wish everyone a very FULFILLING holiday. Perhaps this will be the June holiday where you find out your purpose in life, or why the grasshopper hops where the wind blows or how to grow a third arm. 

Whatever the case, eat, drink and be merry.
Come back rejuvenated and ready for another semester. 

Happy holidays everyone! 
Joy Priya

hello (:

how're all the black-shoers doing?

holidays are here! and some of you must be really beeeeeeeeeeeeeezy right? especially the sec3s who are taking over the sec4s soon.
in any case, dont neglect any peecee stuffs! eg. the day camp on 12th june conducted by mr kang (sec4s can choose to go for it or not), outings within your own level (?), leaders invest prep, etc etc etc.

we gotta keep going and not let our peecee spirit die okay! sec2 and 3 pcs, i know you guys can bridge that gap ( you know what i mean! ) haha. the sec2s are more to the quiet side. the sec 3s are slightly louder. SEE. OPPOSITES ATTRACT! that's why i have confidence that you guys will work well together even after the sec4s retire (:
congrats to the new exco again! & keep up the enthusiasm to lead the school. but dont get over-board! hehe many eyes are on you

okay rmb that whenever you're down and out, you've got your other peecees to count on!

keep going people!
grace ang
Upcoming events:

1. Leaders' Investiture! (It's gonna be BIG! :D)
2. Recruitment of new pupil leaders
3. National Day Parade
4. Teachers' Day (Another BIG event!)

All this is going to be cramped in Term 3 and preparations for all of them will be over the June holidays. Yes, it's hardwork, but always enjoy the process and embrace the accomplished feeling after everything! The meeting with Ms Lizah was long, but thankfully productive :D And I must say, there's a lot in store for the Prefectorial Board! So brace yourselves, prefects :D

JUNE HOLIDAYS ARE HERE! (And so is Cross Country. What mood should I put here?)

Well, it wouldn't really be holidays since all of us have events to plan, courses to attend and homework to do...but nevertheless, try to at least get a break for recomposure, alright? Don't stress out so much over the holidays and get some rest :D Prepare yourselves for the BIG stuff, yeahh! :D

To end off, prefects rock :D

Grace Tang :D

Wednesday 21 May 2008

The first in a long time...

Hey ppl! its been about hundred million years since i last posted anything on any blog; so i am really sorry if my first post turns out to be crappy! Term's coming to a close end and we peecees have loads to look forward to!

1) Mural!! :D

2) PC day camp!! :D

3) Picnic (still getting to it)


Oh my! i think i am really going a tad bit crazy...it comes with hanging out with ppl like hmmm, let's see pinky tube? :P haha. I think i will sign off right HERE. Its not my fault that it has been more than 2 years since i last blogged! i need time to get back to blogging fluently again!!

p.s: i think wen min, grace tang and myself can put up adverts on wrapping gifts... :)



Monday 19 May 2008

Hello PCs!
This is my first time blogging here!
So here are the pictures from the exco outing today
but didnt upload all
because it takes too long.
i took more than one hour to upload all these!
and i think if i were to upload all, it will flood the pc blog!
especially with all the grace tang photos!

EXCO o8-09! Nasuha and Joy Yuen are missing!

our ice cream!

Warning: The photos below may cause some disturbance to your eyes.

Note: The photos below are solely taken by grace tang herself




June holidays are coming!

are you all excited?!

