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Tuesday 17 December 2013

An overview :)

Dear PCs,

As 2013 is coming to an end with the Secondary 4s graduating, the Exco of 2012 - 2013 would like to take this opportunity to look back on our amazing journey together, and give you an overview of what has happened during our time! We hope that by chronicling our experiences as an Exco, we'd be able to provide future Excos with what to expect during their stint, and to encourage potential Exco members to step up and lead with courage and conviction :)

First up,
Leaders' Investiture 2012!!!!! With the theme - Changing Tides. (For new PCs - the graduating Sec 4s 2012 are the ones in CCUs while the rest of us are in uniform) Hahaha Debbie says, "I remember running everywhere on the final day to make sure everything was ok..". We were the fresh faces in the Exco, eager and willing to charge at any obstacles in our way. In Lew's words - Leaders' Investiture "felt so exciting!!!" because it signified a year ahead where we could, for lack of better words, change tides. There were so many things we had in mind for the board! Be it major changes like wanting to do away with the conduct files, to other miscellaneous things like changing our blazers - we sought to launch a major overhaul of the board.

This photo was taken at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2012, where the board introduced new prefects and the Exco addressed various pressing issues. By this time, we had discussed several problems with Mrs Woo and had hoped to change all that!

Meanwhile, the Exco was still trying to get used to our (not so new) positions. It was tough of course, having to balance the heavy committments in the board, our CCAs, academics and extra activities outside school. We had to meet frequently, to discuss about matters regarding the board. Often enough, we would find ourselves running to class after the recess bell, greeting our teachers with a sheepish smile :)

Part of the Exco meeting up after CCA (check out Yick still in her Choir shirt haha) to go to IKEA to get farewell gifts for the Sec 4s of 2012 (and dinner and...... ice cream :P). It was times like these which made all the late nights, all the worry about proposals, worth it. Despite being put together at the beginning without knowing each other, through the meetings, events and time spent with one another, we have grown to become close friends. For all those who think we're straight-laced, prudish people - trust me, we're the oddest, funniest, most heck-care bunch of people! Running through IKEA laughing at Jing's jokes or Za's comments, it was an awesome night :)

CPB chalet 2012! It was rather stressful for us - managing many of you, making sure everybody stayed safe. Lyd was the funniest one though, always asking "Where's the $$$$$?" hahaha! It was a time to bond though, with Lew and Za heading over to Yick's house (and /cough/ laughing at Yick's brother "Where's the bouncy castle????"). We hope chalet 2012 was fun for all of you! :)

Moving on to 2013....

After the VCA coastal run in February, the PCs went on a board outing! The board outing after cross country has, in recent years, become something of a tradition so we hope future Excos will continue to organize such outings :) It's a great time to bond because PCs don't meet that often - it's usually during duties, or events so......... well, it's always good to practise bowling so you can kick ass every year -winks- There'll always be people like Lew who claims "I cannot bowl for nuts..." while Debbie very proudly says "I'm absolute great at bowling, I can't wait to show off haha" but bowling aside, nothing can beat the bonds that grow stronger with every minute spent together. After 3 years, you and your fellow PCs would have built up a special camaraderie that you'd definitely miss when you graduate :)

This photo was taken at the VCA exchange in March! We're not sure how it went for you - but we'd learnt quite a fair bit on how the Victoria School Prefectorial Board works. In some way, their board works a little more flexibly than ours, which is something we can work on in the future :) We heard a second exchange with VSPB is in works - so you can look forward to that!
In view of our original mission to 'change tides' a year ago, the Exco also tried out the "Eating Corner Project 2013" after feedback from many PCs and Cedarians. Despite a rough start with the Vice Principals, the EC project has gone rather well! We're not sure whether the EC project will continue to become an ordinary thing in Cedar but it's a step in the right direction right? The Exco has to admit that we've not changed much in the board, and there are still many areas and issues to work on. We hope that future Excos will be able to tackle problems that we previously failed to address!

From L-R: Fadhlin & Serena (Head Prefects), Alicia & Violet (Heads of Training & Development), Ying Jie & Jing Xuan (Heads of Welfare), Ms Carolynn Goh & Mrs Julia Woo (Prefect Mistresses), Kristianne & Debbie (Heads of Community Relations), Victoria & Lydia (Heads of Secretariat & Finance), Saloni & Hariza (Vice Head Prefects), Charmaine & Wan Yi (Heads of Discipline)

The last major event - Leaders' Investiture 2013! SLI was actually superbly well done by the new Exco - so congratulations on your first major event success :) Lydia echoes all of our sentiments though: "Wait.. 1 year passed by so fast?" Vio too, mentioned she "felt sad after the reality that we actually had to step down" hit her :( 

Of course, all good things eventually come to an end. We're very glad to be handing over the board to a group of talented and enthusiastic people who will no doubt, lead the board to heights greater than we have.
For the new PCs, we hope you're brave enough to grab every opportunity present eg volunteer to attend investiture, volunteer for events like the Asean Youth Convention, or any Leaders' Forum etc, for you'll miss any opportunity you don't take! Stop waiting for things to happen, go out and make them happen. It's only through these events you encounter, that you'll grow to be a better leader :) Be spontaneous and enthusiastic in just about everything, you won't regret it - I promise!

Last but not least, some farewell words from the Exco of 2012 - 2013:

Serena aka Lew: Thank you all so much for making my Cedar leadership journey with all of you PCs such an incredibly fulfilling and exciting one.  Make the most out of every moment in the CPB, always be open to learning, and don't be afraid to step up. Ultimately, it is up to you to shape your own experience so SUIT UP!, be brave and let your dreams take the lead.

Hariza aka Za: Hello! It's been a long time since I last addressed you all. I really miss you all and it has been an honour to work with all of you. So many amazing experiences with you guys throughout all the different events and our duties. Do your best in future and make the CPB family proud!

Violet aka Viola: I learnt a lot through leading CPB in the various areas and through the different events. It's been a literal whirlwind with the many things we did! For the PCs, make full use of the time you have. Don't leave regretting not made the changes you think can be made. Persevere through the difficult times, they're there for a reason!

Wan Yi aka Yick: Being a part of the board is the best thing that has happened to me in Cedar. It's the little things, the small experiences like chalet and running to watch the sun rise (Hahaha Fadlin Saloni Rusydina you guys!!!) that add up to give the most wonderful journey with you fellow PCs. Treasure every moment in CPB, because one day you're going to look back and wish you had more time.

Lydia aka Lyd:Hi Guys! I have thoroughly enjoyed my journey in the black shoe gang and it is my pleasure to have known you guys! :)) Continue to keep the discipline up high and make CPB the best board ever! Always put your best "black shoe"forward! Miss you  loads <3

Debbie aka Debbo: Thank you for tolerating my nonsense and all, it has been a great journey with all of you! I hope we won't forget the friendships we've made :)

Jing Xuan aka Jing: Really can't believe it has been almost 2 years since we stepped up! The journey in CPB and being in the Exco has been an amazing one for me. Sure enough, there were lots of committments required but with the help of Sere, Za, Debbo, Lydiaaa, Violettt and Yicky (hahaha all sounds mushy here) everything became enjoyable and fun! To all the PCs out there, thank you dears and love the PR hahaha! Visit the PR more often and love it like your home <3

We were incredibly busy during our time as Exco members, having loads on our plates at times (Za, gosh!! CPB, NCC, MCS, OALB, studies etc and also Jing being Red Cross chairperson on top of an Exco member) and sacrificing sleep for either Exco stuff or to catch up on homework (that time when Lew, Yick and Mrs Woo stayed up until 4am to finish the Mrs Ouyang Style video....). We'd be lying if we said being a part of the Exco wasn't tough. On hindsight though, none of us regret our decisions to be in it - for we had each other during the difficult and frustating nights :) Being in the Exco has taught us many things, of which includes how to be more confident of ourselves and how to have that mental strength in you to carry on when all you want to do is just give up. It was an arduous journey, but at the end, it's all worth it.

Presenting for the final time,
(L-R: Lydia, Hariza, Serena, Debbie, Wan Yi, Jing Xuan, Violet)

from Cedar Prefectorial Board, the Executive Committee of 2012 - 2013.

Thursday 3 October 2013

End of Exams! (revival of blog after such a long period...:P)

Hello guys!

Phew! Exams has ended and time has flew by so quickly...IT'S NOW TERM 4 WEEK 3 (and it's ending soon). Well, that means our blog has been dead for more than 1 term ._. Terribly sorry for the deadness...D:

Well, that also means so much has happened since...and let's travel down memory lane:)

Our first photo of the whole board in 2014!

 ExCo '12 - '13! Ain't they simply gorgeous ;)

The ExCos with our Teachers In-Charge Mrs Woo and Ms Goh!

 PCs helping out with Level 1 Level Games
Thank you so much PCs, hope you guys had fun!:D
And we had the biggest event ever! Our Leaders' Investiture on 31 July 2013!

First picture together of ExCo '13 - '14

Thursday 25 April 2013

T2W6 (and updates)

Hi PCs!
SO much has happened since the March Holidays..... We're already halfway through the term 2!!
 Visuals for y'all

  Violet and Serena :) Before a VCA Meeting! 
 Wan Yi, Lydia and Serena :) Before a VCA Meeting!
 At the VCA Prefectorial Boards Exchange :) (27th March 2013)
CPB and VSPB part-Ex-Cos :) (27th March 2013)

So the VCA Exchange went well, with games and discussions and presentations on the various issues faced by both boards. :) We're glad that our dear PCs have learnt from this session as read through your reflections! Very nice ^^ Also, thank you VSPB for this opportunity to work together! :) 

Also, HPC Elections were extremely exciting with the 3 nominees (Fadhlin, Saloni and Alicia) campaigning!! Good work on your speeches, it's been a tough time for all of you but hope all of you will work together and support each other in future :) And PRESENTING THE NEW EX-CO 2013 - 2014!

Head Prefect Councillor - Nur Fadhlin Sakina 
Vice Head Prefect Councillor - Saloni Swaminathan
Head of Training and Development - Alicia Tan Siu Hui
Head of Discipline - Charmaine Cheng
Head of Secretariat and Finance - Victoria Cahyani Tanggono 
Head of Community Relations - Kristianne Magkawas
Head of Welfare - Chin Ying Jie
We genuinely hope you will lead the board to greater heights:) GO forth mighty warriors!!!!!!

Thank you PCs on duty for Speech Day and Track and Field Nationals!! It was tough work but we are truly thankful to have you PCs to help out at school events :)
Hanging Banners for T&F Finals! All sweaty but finally done! :):)
Hanging Banners for T&F Finals! All sweaty but finally done! :):)

And have I mentioned? CONGRATULATIONS TO CEDAR ATHLETIC TEAM! DOUBLE CHAMPIONS FOR BOTH DIVISIONS!! And yes this has not happened since 1997 :) The year (most of) the sec fours were born! 


It has been an amazing time in the Cedar Prefectorial Board. Though we sec fours may be stepping down now, our leadership journeys do not end here. They last for a lifetime for there is so much to learn!!! We will miss all of you. Thank you for the wonderful experience and memories. :)

PCs, do keep up the hard work and strive together as one blackshoegang to be the best we can be. :) All the best for your upcoming examinations (if any) and see you around school! :)

This may be the last post but here's the first picture the Ex-Co '12-'13 took together just after our Leaders' Investiture last year.

ending off with
 goofy yick and lydia!

- Ex-Co '12-'13 :)

Thursday 21 March 2013

T1W10/March Hols

Hi PCs!

I hope you all are enjoying your holidays right now. Jiayou to all those training hard for nationals/SYF! We can do this alright. Remember, CEDAR SOLID!

Despite your busy schedule, I hope you have set aside time for our EXCHANGE WITH VS Prefectorial Board this Saturday, 23rd March. It will be a great experience for you all to learn from one another and in turn improve the way our board runs. Don't treat it as a chore but as an opportunity. It will be worth your time, really.

Remember to submit your attendance to Serena! Plus, many investitures and events/workshops are coming up so keep a look out for them! Meanwhile, treasure the rest of your holidays PCs!

Sunday 10 March 2013


Hey PCs!

CAs are over for most of you right?:) Hope you are all having a good weekend!

Last Wednesday for assembly, it was Student Leaders' Time!!! The issues covered during 4 Focus Group Discussion between the Principal and Vice-Principals with about 60 student leaders were presented and yes there were some solutions provided by the school. :)

For example, the arrangement of a common lunch slot may be extended to other days in school so that students of all levels can meet if necessary  Also, this would allow Cedarians to go home earlier if they do not have other lessons/activities in the afternoon. Yay!:)

Another question was whether we Cedarians could be given opportunities to dress up for a good cause and the answer was yes, so long as we initiated it and the cause is meaningful. This would allow us to express our individualism as well as make the experience purposeful. :) Hinthint, after some feedback from the Cedarians a possible cause could be UNICEF! More to come along the way :) (hopefully)

Another issue was that in the canteen, there were times when there were insufficient seats in the canteen and some Cedarians had to eat while standing or even sit on the floor. More tables and chairs have been added to increase capacity of the canteen. :) Also, the school has considered our proposal to expand eating to other areas in school, mainly the Timbre Deck and at Eating Corners on each level of the classroom block!! However, this will require the co-operation of the whole school in keeping the eating areas clean. We will be given a one month trial to try this out! Aren't you excited? :) Really hope that this will be permanently implemented!

All right that's all for now, see you around PCs! It's the last week of term 1 so have fun! :)

-Ex-Co '12-'13 :)

Sunday 3 March 2013


Hey PCs!!
It's smack in the middle of CAs for the Sec 1s - 3s!! Jiayou guys, you can do it! :)
Anyway, some updates on what's been happening at school!

For assembly on Wednesday, the Singapore Chinese Orchestra came and performed for us!! They also taught us about the various chinese instruments such as the guzheng and the pipa! My favourite was the yangqin which is a chinese zither that sounds very beautiful!!

A yangqin!

The SCO performing for us :) lovely music!

PCs after assembly! Hardworking PCs at the back moving the chairs :) Thank you PCs!!!

Alright that's all for now :) all the best for your tests PCs!! And P.S. have fun at all the investitures!! Don't forget to do reflections, do PR Duty and write to your mortals/angels! :) Have a great week 9. :)

-Ex-Co '12-'13 :)

Sunday 24 February 2013

T1W7 - Eventful!

Hey PCs! :)

How was the past week for you? :) Hope you all had an enjoyable week with Beyond Classroom Learning on Tuesday!! I did :) We also had another board meeting on Thursday after school, where Mrs Woo shared with us the structure of a PC's Leadership Journey in Cedar, and how the activities and events we carry out help develop us in the 5 Leadership Practices (MICEE)! :) Also not forgetting the VCA Coastal Run on Friday aaaaand the bowling session after that!:)

So glad so many PCs came for the bowling session! We had a great 2 hours bowling and nomming on delicious pies. :) Many thanks to our two teachers in charge Mrs Julia Woo and Ms Carolynn Goh for organising the bowling session for us!!:):)

Above: Bowling Cake yay! :)

Above: After Bowling! :) (taken from Debbie's Instagram)
 Above: Congratulations to our bowling champions: Yick Wan Yi, Beatrice Yeo, Megan Chua, Yoon Thiri, Tiyari Harshita and Neha Saini!! :) (taken from Harshita's Instagram)

PCs, don't forget that our next board meeting is likely to be on 4th April 2013! See you there!!!

Whew, sure was an eventful week! :)

- Ex-Co '12-'13 :)

Sunday 17 February 2013

Important! Morning Assembly Reminders :)

Dear PCs, 

please bring down your classes punctually to the courtyard at 7.20am as teachers have commented that some classes are too slow in coming down:(( please also always use the following routes for morning assembly:

sec 1s - pass the AVT
sec 2s - down the spiral staircase
sec 3s - art room staircase
sec 4s - classroom staircase near the canteen

also please organize your classes in twos immediately upon reaching the courtyard as teachers have commented that Cedarians take too long to organize themselves (aligning to fit 10 classes in the respective levels) and there is often no space.

Thank you PCs!! For doing your duty well :)

- Ex-Co '12-'13 :)

Sunday 10 February 2013


Hello PCs!

Xin Nian Kuai Le, Wan Shi Ru Yi! (Sorry, Hariza's posting this so I apologise for any mistakes.) Hope all of you are having a great holiday now. It's time to spend quality time with your extended family, catch up on the past year and forge greater bonds ahead.

As for the CPB family, we sure hope that you will continue striving hard and do your best as a PC so that we can serve the school better. Internal voting was conducted last week and we hope to be able to release the results to you soon. For those of you who had to leave halfway due to electives or third language, do meet the ExCo to finish filling in your voting slips. Do remember that all your votes are confidential.

Once again, have a happy Chinese New Year! :)

Photo taken from oongui.blogspot.com

Saturday 26 January 2013


Hey PCs! :) Did you all have a good week? I'm sure you did, with Divian and Sonia C from 987FM who came to Cedar for our assembly programme on Wednesday, 23 Jan! :)

The hype all began the night before, when this was posted.....

We had a great time, was entertained by the two lovely DJs, and also got to learn more about the life of a DJ! Watch the video below to see Divian and Sonia C at our school :)

(Above: Photo taken from  987FM Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=11757416&l=43e8177ce4&id=143098527028)

Thank you Divian and Sonia for visiting us! :)

Thank you PCs as well for bringing the classes to the Cedar Hub punctually and setting up the chairs in Cedar Hub for the teachers! :) Really appreciated :)

Rest well this weekend okay! :) Appraisals for Sec 3s are over, and appraisals for Sec 2s have started! Hope you had a good time during appraisal :) See you in school next week, have a great weekend! :)

P.S. photo of happy lewie and zaza after the assembly!!!!

- CPB Ex-Co '12 - '13 :)

Sunday 20 January 2013


Hey PCs :)

What a busy week it's been!! Was great seeing you all at board meeting and helping out during induction! :) Thank you all so much for putting in the effort to stay back for rehearsals and come to school on a Saturday to help out:) Also, thanks to the Induction ICs Neha and Dhieve for heading the event!

Anyway, board meeting slides have been uploaded onto our board email's Google drive so please check it out! Do note the new routes for classes during morning assembly, and the new assembly procedures. :)

To our sec 2 and 3 PCs, please fill up the new PC Dossier 2013! So sorry about making all of you do it again :( Please submit it by 1 Feb 2013 to Violet :)

Alright, that's all for this week! Hope you have a great week 3 and don't forget to wish Annabelle a happy birthday tomorrow!!!

- CPB Ex-Co '12-'13 :)

Sunday 13 January 2013

T1W1 has passed!!!

Hey PCs! :)

The enjoyable Nov/Dec holidays are over! Open House, AGM, PC Chalet, Sec 1 Registration and Sec 1 Orientation,  were great weren't they?:) (Check out our Flickr or Fadhlin Sakina's Facebook, chalet photos have been uploaded there :) thanks Fadhlin!)  Hope you all had a great time and had time to unwind and relax. :)  But 2013 is here, and it's going to be an exciting year for all of us! Week 1 (and week 0) has flown by in a blink of an eye! How are all of you coping with your duties and school work? Hope you are all adjusting well! :) Have you been receiving sweet letters/gifts from your Angels? Pass on the love! Glad to see the PR clean (thank you Jing Xuan and all those on duty in week 0/1!) and thank you for taking care of your classes every morning! Late coming PCs thank you for guarding the gates as well! :)

Anyway, here are some updates for you! Below is the rough timeline for the next 2 weeks :)

Term 1

Week 2

- Sec 3 Appraisals (Whole week, During recess/lunch, Prefects' Room)
- Board Meeting #1 (Wed 16 Jan, 2.15pm to 3.15pm, Garnet Seminar Room)
- Sec 2 Appraisals (Thurs 17 Jan, 12.55pm to 1.35pm, Prefects' Room)
- Sec 1 Induction Ceremony Dry Run (Wed 16 Jan, tbc, Cedar Hub) <- TBC
- Sec 1 Induction Ceremony Dry Run (Fri 18 Jan, tbc, Cedar Hub)
- Sec 1 Induction Ceremony (Sat 19 Jan, tbc, Cedar Hub)

Week 3

- Sec 3 Appraisals (21 to 23 Jan, During recess/lunch, Prefects' Room)
- Sec 2 Appraisals (Thurs 24 Jan, 12.55pm to 1.35pm, Prefects' Room)

We will update the blog with more such timelines so that all PCs will be well-informed! :) Thanks! :)
Also, here's to all our January Babies!! 
Yi Ting - 3 Jan
Maxine - 7 Jan
Debbie 8 Jan
Wan Yi - 15 Jan
Alicia - 16 Jan
Annabelle - 21 Jan
Rohini - 27 Jan (duo babes!!!)
Manesha - 27 Jan (duo babes!!!)
Shalini - 29 Jan
Happy Birthday dears!!! Hope you've had/will have a great birthday :) 

Remember, pace yourselves well throughout the year, sleep regularly and don't fret :) Do your duties well and continue being a great role model to those around you :) See you around PCs!

P.S. Feel free to post any updates about the board such as any experiences you've learnt from/short updates on the board/any happy photos :) Thanks PCs :)

- CPB Ex-Co '12-'13 :)

Message from Ishwarya Nair

Hello PCs,

Ishwarya Nair (3H, 2012) migrated to Australia last year. She left this parting message to all PCs. :)

Hi guys , I think my phone's been terminated so please help me to relay this message to all PCs. Good luck to you'll for all events last year! Maintain the high standards of discipline and excellent conduct that we're known for ok! Keep the momentum going and always be an exemplary role model that fellow Cedarians can always look up to! Be good to the EXCO and they will to you (; DON'T EAT IN CLASS. HAHA. But yes, remember that as a leader, as a PC, you've always gotta be above the bar, cos that's when you can earn not just Cedarians', but fellow human beings' respect ok! I'm 1/2h away from Goldcoast so you guys can come over and visit (:
To Sec 3s: Good luck for Os and everything next year.
To Sec 2s: Good luck for your studies (big jump but manageable ;) and leadership boards (Go for it!)
To Sec 1s: Good luck for streaming and leadership and everything else!
Ok take care, be safe and goodbye :)

You'll always be a part of the CPB family Ishu!! Hope you had a great time as a PC. :)